The FAST PJ helmet replica is made by the FMA company is made of high quality plastic. Thanks to the light-weight and its rather specific construction the helmet is extremely comfortable in use. The lining which is used in the helmet allows for a secure and comfortable placing of the helmet on the user’s head, while as the used ventilation holes ensure proper ventilation.
The helmet is equipped is an adapter which is designed to mount NVG devices and it is also equipped with a set of hooks&loops which is especially prepared and profiled in order to place them on the helmet’s surface. They allow the attachment of different types of patches such as blood types, unit crests and IR markers. Alternatively, they can serve to carry some minor gear such as the e-lite type devices.
What is important, the helmet was also equipped with a set of mounting rails which allow the attachment of additional gear. The mounting modules are equipped with elastic bands which serve as retentions for the NVG mounting system.